Friday, June 25, 2010

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Top 7 Hair Growing Tips

Your Hair Is Dead - Let It Rest In Peace

Unfortunately many people aren't aware of the fact that while hair can be extraordinarily resilient, once it has emerged from your scalp is has no facility for renewing itself.  It is considered to be dead protein.

The average person has around 100,000 strands of hair on their head and the average rate of growth is a mere one-half of an inch per month.  

By the time the ends of your hair actually grow down to your shoulders, they are approximately two years old.

Think about it. Two years is a long time for hair to be subjected to the daily wear and tear of the environment, washing, drying, brushing, combing and any chemical processing.  Just imagine what a piece of silk or fine fabric would look like after 2 years of constant handling.

Even if you take the best care of your hair possible, your hair still goes through a natural aging process which can also impact the growing cycle of your hair.

Maximizing Your Growth Cycle

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The right vitamins and minerals play a major role in keeping your hair healthy. Any nutritional deficiencies can lead to thinning hair or even total baldness. 

It is a well known fact that an under active thyroid can result in frizzy or brittle hair while an overactive thyroid turn hair greasy and limp.

The bottom line to this thread is that your hair ultimately reflects the overall condition of your body.  If your body is healthy and well nourished, your hair will be your shining glory. 

If you are having any health problems or suffering from any nutritional deficiencies, your hair may stop growing or show damage.

If your body is in good health, you can maximize your genetic growth cycle through taking the proper blend of amino acids and B-vitamins. 

It is also important to include B-6, biotin, Inositol and folic acid in the supplemental program.  It has been found that certain minerals including magnesium, sulfur, silica and zinc are also very important toward maintaining healthy hair.

Beta-carotene is also essential to hair growth.  This is because it is converted to vitamin A as the body needs it, helps maintain normal growth and bone development, protective sheathing around nerve fibers, as well as promoting healthy skin, hair and nails. 

Beta-carotene is found in green and yellow vegetables and fruits.

Protein Is Important

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Since hair is protein, a diet that is too low in protein may cause some thinning in hair or a retardation in the growth cycle.  The converse is true,  If you eat a protein-rich diet it will often result in improved hair growth.

Some nutritional experts suggest the dietary utilization of calves liver, brewer's yeast, wheat germ and a daily dose of two tablespoons of granulated lecithin to maximize hair growth, strength and beauty.

Other good food sources for protein include fish, eggs, beans and yogurt.  Soy protein has also been found to be helpful in stimulating hair growth.

One study of the results of soy on the hair found that it not only strengthened the hair but caused it to grow. A great source of soy is tofu.

Growth Blockers

Excessive stress and some medications are conclusively known to retard hair growth.   If you have a medical condition and your physician has prescribed medications it is imperative that you follow your doctor's orders regardless of the impact to your hair,

Warning:  Always consult your doctor BEFORE you undertake any new type of vitamin, mineral program or herbal program of any type to make sure it does not interfere with any medical treatment you may currently be on.

However, if you are under severe stress it is helpful to reduce the stress as much as possible.  Consider meditation or relaxation as a way to cut back on any major stress in your life.  Your hair will love your for it.

Another secret hair helper is rest and sleep.  It has been discovered that to grow faster, hair needs an adequate amount of sleep (7-9 hours are suggested).

Hair Growing Supplements

Eat right, exercise, reduce stress, rest, gets lots of sleep and your are well on your way to maximizing your hair growth potential.

You can either take a good supplement that contains the necessary vitamins and minerals or you can make up your own formula. 

I have personally had some long term success (at least for me) with the HairTopia vitamins that are specifically designed to assist the body with the maximum hair growth building blocks.

For more details check out Jane Bullock's review of the Hairtopia Vitamins and also get the facts on what the vitamins consist of.

While eating the proper foods that contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals will help, it is a lot more difficult to guarantee that you will get all the vitamins and minerals you need from the foods you eat.

List of Supplements

In addition to making lifestyle changes, taking the following supplements every day can boost hair growth for many people:

  • Vitamin B-complex - 50 mg. of the major B-vitamins (including folate, biotin and inositol)
  • Vitamin B-6 - 50 mg. of vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin C with bioflavonoids - one to two grams daily
  • Vitamin E - 400 to 800 IU daily
  • Beta-Carotene - 10,000 to 15,000 IU of beta-carotene daily
  • One recommended daily dose of magnesium, sulfur, zinc
  • Silica (horsetail) - 300 mg. daily
  • Nettle - 250 mg. three times daily
  • Flaxseed oil -  one tbsp daily or one tablet
  • Beta-Carotene - 10,000 to 15,000 IU of beta-carotene daily

Hair Growing Tips

Some hair loss experts have discovered that people have excellent hair growing results by following the Zone Diet, which is low in fat.   Many other hair care experts recommend the Zone Diet as very helpful for hair care concerns.

Here are some other hair growing tips:

  1. Eliminate or cut back on smoking, caffeine and carbonated sodas which weaken the body and block maximum hair growing potential.
  2. Eat a healthy diet.  Avoid foods that are high in sugar or fat.
  3. Treat your hair like a piece of fine old lace.  Treat it carefully avoiding any unnecessary brushing, combing or handling.
  4. Avoid use of hot water, hot blow dryers or other hair care tools that may stress the hair.
  5. Have a weekly scalp massage to provide stimulation to the hair follicles.
  6. Do a series of ongoing hot oil treatments to protect the hair's shaft.
  7. Have regular trims to eliminate split ends and allow the hair to look and feel healthier.
  8. Get plenty of rest and sleep to allow your body to grow hair.

Tags : Hair Growing,Tips,Supplements,Chemical,Hot,Hair Care,Dead Hair,Long Hair,Gorgeous Hair,Beautiful Hair,excellent,potential,vitamins,care tools,sodas,diet

Hair Growing Tips

Not everyone can grow a head of waist length hair. If you have fine, thin or severely damaged hair, you may have a difficult time growing your hair past a medium length.

Your hair grows up to 6 inches a year. The weather can also affect the your hair growth – hair tends to grow more rapidly in the summer, while growing more slowly during winter.

If you’re ready for the commitment of growing long hair, make sure you continue to have regular trims to keep your hair looking and feeling healthy. It might seem like the quickest way to grow your hair is not to cut it at all, but that is not the case. Regular trims, every 8-10 weeks, will keep your hair looking good while you go through many stages of growing it out.

Wear and Tear

Once your hair emerges from your scalp, it is considered dead and has no way to renew itself. So by the time your hair is past your shoulders it is a couple of years old.

Even if we look after our hair, it is still a long time to face the daily wear and tear we inflict on our hair – brushing, washing, blow drying, dying and more! This daily damage plus your bodies health can all impact on your hair growing abilities.

Reasons for slow hair growth

A healthy diet also plays a major role in your hair’s condition and growth rate. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to thinning hair – ultimately your hair reflects the condition of your body.

Your hair may stop growing if you have any health problems or are suffering from any nutritional deficiencies.

Since hair is protein, a low protein diet may sometimes be the cause of a slow hair growth cycle. If you eat a protein-rich diet, it will often result in improved hair growth.

Excessive stress is known to slow down hair growth, and can even lead to hair falling out. If your life is particularly stressful, try to set aside some time for meditation or relaxation. It has also been discovered that regular sleep can help your hair grow faster (7-9 hours a night is suggested).

Foods, Vitamins and supplements to help hair growth

Hair is mostly protein, so nutritionists advise those wanting healthy hair to eat well balanced diets that include healthy proteins, along with foods high in vitamin B, C, E, A and K.

Your hair will most likely respond well to the addition of high protein foods such as meats, eggs, cheese, seeds and nuts. Fish has good protein as well as essential fatty acids and natural oils.

Vitamin B – Green vegetables, beans, sunflower seeds, nuts and peas.

Vitamin C - Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, melons and berries.

Vitamin E – Avocados, rice bran, nuts, dark green vegetables, legumes and whole grains.

Vitamin A – Carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, broccoli, cantaloupe and apricots.

Vitamin K - Seafood, dairy, figs, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, brussel sprouts, cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, soybeans, wheat, yoghurt, egg yolks and liver.

Hair Growing Tips
  • Eating a healthy diet. Avoid or cut back on smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine and foods that are high in sugar or fat. These are all bad for your body, and will affect the condition of your hair.
  • Allow your body to grow hair by giving yourself plenty of sleep and rest. Give yourself time to relax when you’re feeling very stressed.
  • Buy a good quality brush or comb – avoid cheap plastic brushes.
  • Treat your hair carefully by avoiding any unnecessary brushing.
  • Limit the use of styling tools such as straighteners, hair dryers and hot rollers – these all cause stress to your hair.
  • Have regular trims to get rid of split ends and to keep your hair looking and feeling healthy.
  • Weekly scalp massages provide stimulation to the hair follicles.
  • Also do a weekly hair treatment to protect the hair’s shaft.
  • Avoid chlorine and saltwater. If you go swimming, shampoo your hair as soon as possible afterwards. If you spend alot of time in the sun, use a conditioner that provides SPF protection.
  • Do not brush your hair when wet. Use a wide tooth comb and be gentle with your hair when it is wet. Do not rub it vigorously with a towel

Tags: good hair shampo, hair best brush, hair care tips, hair comb, hair good vitamin, hair growing, Hair Growing Tips, hair tips, protection

Nail Tips

How do I avoid getting polish on my cuticles?
Instead of painting right from the cuticle, place the brush on the nail bed about 1/8″ away from the cuticle and push backwards toward it, stopping just before the skin.

That’s too much work…how do remove polish from my cuticles?
Plan ahead. Paint your nails about an hour before bedtime, leaving the messy polish on. When taking a shower the next morning, the polish will soften and peel off. Any stubborn polish still left on the skin can easily be removed by rubbing it with a soft towel. Polish not dry yet? In a rush? Use a cotton swab and nail polish remover to do a quick removal.

How do I keep my polish from peeling near the skin?
Lightly buff the top of your nail near your cuticle with a fine-grained file. This will take away the top oily enamel and allow better adhesion.

My polish doesn’t peel near the skin, it peels at the tips, what am I doing wrong?
It’s usually one of these two things…

•You’ve used two or more coats of ridge-filler and followed with a couple coats of polish. To avoid peeling, stick to only one coat of ridge-filler, and wait until it’s completely dry to apply the regular polish.

•You’ve painted a couple thick coats instead of a few thin ones. Always use thin coats, it gives better coverage, dries faster and lasts longer.

I can’t apply thin coats, my nail polish is just thick to begin with. What should I do?
If you really want your nail polish to keep well in the bottle, keep it in the refrigerator, this will extend its shelf-life.

I keep getting those darn bubbles!
Two things can cut down significantly on bubbles:
ROLL the bottle between your palms, instead of shaking it. Shaking just whips bubbles into the polish. Also, use only thin coats.

Why does my polish keep cracking?
Try applying a thin clear coat of polish every other night to avoid this.

My nails keep splitting in layers at the top, will eating gelatin and drinking milk help strengthen them?
No and no. These are just myths. Your fingernails are made of keratin, the same protein as hair. Have you ever seen conditioner brag that it has calcium in it? Probably not. What WILL help strengthen your nails is to avoid filing them as much as possible, and when you have to, file in one direction only. You know what happens if you keep bending a wire back and forth? The same thing happens to nails, just on a different level.  Other tips… use gloves when washing dishes and doing other household chores. Keep exposure to harsh chemicals at a minimum, especially bleach.

People say that you need different moisturizers for your nails than for your hands…why?
Well, back to the protein thing again. Would you use hand cream on your hair? Unlikely. The fact is that your fingernails absorb water 100 times faster than your skin does…and they lose the moisture just as fast as they absorb it. So considering how much hand cream you need in the wintertime, think how thirsty your nails are, and recognize that they need just as must tenderness (if not more) than your hands do.

I work with food, so my hands are constantly in water. What can I do to keep my manicure nice?
I only see two choices really.
•Keep nails well-trimmed, and don’t wear polish to work (not even clear, it’ll just crack and peel).
•Get thee to a nail salon! In my opinion, acrylic is to fingernails what Godiva is to chocolate. Only nail enhancements will stand up to the beating your hands will take.

Tags: beauty nail, design nail, nail, nail colour style, nail cutting, nail growning, nail polish colour, nail style, nail tips, nails tips design, nakhun tips, pakistan nail, stylish nail

Top 5 Skin Care Tips

Our skin is the largest yet most disregarded part of our body. It composes more than half of our body and is clearly visible to other people. Most of us are conscious of our face and often apply moisturizer or other creams to avoid pimples or make the face fairer. We want to look good by having a smooth, beautiful face but oftentimes we forget to take care of our arms and legs since our main focus is our face.

Many of us are afraid to have pimples or blemishes on our face. We want to have a clear face because we think that our face is the first thing that people notice but then we should not ignore the importance of taking care and maintain a smooth skin on our legs and arms. Having a good-looking skin makes us look attractive and thus boot our self-confidence.

There are several ways to take care and maintain a healthy, smooth skin. Below are some tips you should follow to achieve a vibrant, good-looking skin all over your body.

1.)    Protect yourself from the sun.

-  The sun is good for the skin but too much exposure to the sun especially between 10am to 3pm is harmful to the skin. It can cause dryness and can lead to other skin diseases.

2.)    Apply moisturizing lotion and exfoliating cream

-  Make it a habit to apply lotion every day and exfoliate your skin every other day so that dirt and dead skin cells will be removed. Do not scrub too much because it can damage your skin.

3.)    Keep your hair in place.

-  Tie your hair so it won’t rub on your face. Our hair is sometimes dirty and the dirt can cause clogging of pores on our face.

4.)    Eat the right food and drink lots of water

-   Following a balanced diet and drinking lots of water can help moisturize and replenish your skin’s moisture. It is also advisable to taking vitamins everyday especially Vitamin E. Vitamin E is good for the skin and can help you achieve a young-looking and smooth skin especially for adults.

5.)    Wash your face regularly.

-   It is mostly advised by skin experts that a person should wash their face twice a day. We should gently massage our face and not scrub it. It is also important to remove make up before going to sleep so that the pores of our skin will not be clogged.

Tags: body care, body tips, face care, face tips, fashion tips, jild ke totkay, massage, pakistani tips, skin care, skin lotion, skin tips, skin totkay, top 5